Integrated Management of Aphid Vectors and Associated Viral Diseases of Passion Fruit in Uganda

This study is intended to develop management strategies for aphid vectors and viral diseases on passion fruit in Uganda. In the absence of resistant varieties, the management techniques evaluated here will provide much needed information for commercial and small-scale passion fruit farmers. Techniques developed will be integrated within current strategies that are expected to manage vegetation to enhance the efficacy of natural enemies. With the validation of vector transmission, pesticide efficacy will be established for sole application or integration with non-chemical control measures for improved effectiveness in management. Being in the early stages of development, and considering the scale of evaluation, these techniques will be evaluated in on-station trials for later validation on-farm.
Cette étude vise à élaborer des stratégies de gestion pour les vecteurs des pucerons et les maladies virales sur les fruits de la passion en Ouganda. En l’absence de variétés résistantes, les techniques de gestion évaluées ici fournirontbeaucoup d’informations utiles pour les agriculteurs commerciaux et à petite échelle des fruits de la passion. Les techniques développées seront intégrées dans les stratégies actuelles qui sont censées gérer la végétation afin d’améliorer l’efficacité des ennemis naturels. Avec la validation de la transmission vectorielle, l’efficacité des pesticides sera établie pour l’application unique ou l’intégration des mesures de lutte non chimiques pour une meilleure efficacité dans la gestion. Etant dans les premiers stades de développement et compte tenu de l’échelle d’évaluation, ces techniques seront évaluées dans les essais en station pour la validation ultérieure à la ferme.
Extended abstracts submitted under Integrated Crop Management
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
East Africa
RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops
Agris Subject Categories: 
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
Access restriction: 
Printed resource

The 2012 RUFORUM Biennial Conference is the third in the series. The main objective of the Biennial conferences is to provide a platform for agricultural research for development stakeholders in Africa and beyond to actively exchange findings and experiences, while at the same time learning lessons towards improving performance of the agricultural sector and ultimately people’s livelihoods. The biennial conference is RUFORUM’s most comprehensive meeting for the diversity of stakeholers in agriculture. It is especially dedicated to graduate students and their supervisors, grantees in RUFORUM member universities and alumni. It is a platform for peer review, quality control, mentorship, networking and shared learning. The third Biennial Conference was attended by 657 participants.This record contains an extended abstract accepted under Integrated Crop Management