Assessing the efficacy of pyramided genes in conferring dual and durable resistance to bean anthracnose and root rot Author/Editor(s): Kiryowa, M.Nkalubo, S.Mukankusi, C.Talwana, H.Tukamuhabwa, P.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Assessing the efficacy of pyramided genes in conferring dual and durable resistance to bean anthracnose and root rot
Characterization of root development in a segregating diploid banana population as a searching basis for resistance to Radopholus similis Author/Editor(s): Inamahoro, M.Talwana, H.Lorenzen, J.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Characterization of root development in a segregating diploid banana population as a searching basis for resistance to Radopholus similis
Exploiting genome synteny in breeding for Protein Quality and Waxiness in maize and sorghum Author/Editor(s): BomBom, A.Edema, R.Asea, G.Rubaihayo, P.Gibson, P.Okori, P.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Exploiting genome synteny in breeding for Protein Quality and Waxiness in maize and sorghum