Improving access to information for rural and agricultural development using ICTs in northern Uganda: Lessons and experiences Author/Editor(s): Achora, J.C.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Improving access to information for rural and agricultural development using ICTs in northern Uganda: Lessons and experiences
Development, promotion and dissemination of improved Fusarium wilt resistant pigeon pea lines in drought prone areas of Uganda Author/Editor(s): Edema, R.Mukankusi, C.Areke, T.Said, N. S.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Development, promotion and dissemination of improved Fusarium wilt resistant pigeon pea lines in drought prone areas of Uganda
Feeding, reproductive biology and aquaculture potential of Clarias liocephalus in the wetlands of south western Uganda Author/Editor(s): Yatuha, J.Kang’ombe, J.Rutaisire, J.Chapman, L.Date of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Feeding, reproductive biology and aquaculture potential of Clarias liocephalus in the wetlands of south western Uganda